“NEW” Books, E-Books & AudioBooks by Kevin Bond

“What the Church Can Learn From The Musical Phenomenon, Hamilton!”

“Hamilton” has been sold out 4 yrs running on Broadway & it’s road shows are also holding up that same standard. 

As I was pondering this #AMAZING Musical Stage play I thought of a few valuable truths the church can glean from “Hamilton.”

This EBook will help your Ministry, Business & Organization grow & become more aware of the of those who do business with them.

The Audio-Book is a excellently performed studio version of the manuscript narrated by Kevin Bond. 

Written & Narrated by Kevin Bond 



Available Formats: 

E-Book For Iphone / Kindle, or Android (Instant Digital Download)

AudioBook (Instant MP3 Downloadable Zipped Files)

Audio CD (A Physical CD will be mailed to you)


“A Servant’s Guide From A Servant’s Heart"
The Word is fulfilling itself in that the harvest is truly ripe but the laborers are few. Those few laborers must be properly equipped for service. Otherwise, they will be ineffective. With that in mind, I have prepared a book that details what to look for, as well as ways to know if ministry and service is for you. I've detailed the necessary characteristics for anyone seeking to serve in a tangible way. We must endeavor to keep our tools sharpened and ready for use.
So prepare to take self-examination as you sharpen your skills for service through this manual, which I've simply entitled,
A Servant's Guide from a Servant's Heart: Ministry from A to Z.

The AudioBook is a beautifully articulated studio version of the manuscript narrated by Kevin Bond. 

Written & Narrated by Kevin Bond 

Foreword by: Ronn Elmore



Available Formats: 

E-Book For Iphone / Kindle, or Android (Instant Digital Download)

Soft-Cover Book (A Physical Book will be mailed to you) 


Here's what Industry professionals have to say about Kevin Bond:


A Servant's Guide REVIEWS ...

Bishop Lawrence L. Hancock, Sr. wrote:
You don't want to miss this great resource! This is a great tool for growing believers moving from "church" to advancing the Kingdom of God! Buy your copy today!

Kelton Wrote:
From opening the mailbox this evening to reading the last page as I walked out of Barnes & Nobles - Thank you! It was a "self evaluation" that I needed. I thank God for the vision and for the things that he has birthed from you. Sometimes, I pick up books and it is soo thick that I wonder if I will gain the insight I need. The insight needed today; and not after long periods of intermittent sessions of reading. Your book has transformed me. It not only forced me to look at my weaknesses, but it also opened my eyes to things I simply didn't think about. However, it was well worth it! I just want to say thank you!

Marion Wrote:
Good Morning,
I received my books yesterday...thanks so much. It's has already blessing
Me...it seems it was written especially for me. I am a work in progress you
Are a great role model and my prayer for one day to be the Levite that God have me to be.
I can't wait to order more to give as gifts.

Thanks so much

Blessings to you and yours!!

Min DJ Wrote:
I just finished reading the entire book cover to cover and must tell anyone considering picking it up...just do it. This is not a chest thumping or name-dropping book of self aggrandizement or chest thumping. If you're looking for good ol' church stuff, this isn't the book for you. This book is about service--true leadership and is a good life blue print for use outside of ministry and in everyday life. Kudos to the Chief Musician for providing a great, simple step book that gets right to the point from the first pages.


Rosemary Wrote:>
I Love The Book!
Last century in the 80's and 90"s I read 2 decision-impacting books specifically addressing leadership, "Exploring Worship, a practical guide..." and "Jesus CEO ... for visionary leadership." I mention these 2 books because they were of the "go back to over and over" variety. I think your book is a practical guide for visionary leadership in the 21st century. Because this century the pendulum has swung way over in ministry leadership so that success equals "super star" status, we have forgotten that leaders are called to SERVE. Though your book can be read in one sitting, it Must be re-read many times until we begin to reflect the characteristics A-Z illuminated in each chapter. Namelesness - Oh my! I welcome your book into its place beside my other decision-impacting literature. Both can help to bring us back to a true place of balance in God's design. It's a great book, a beautiful read, and a divinely timed release!

Jamie Murphy Wrote:
I praise god for your life. I am deeply grateful to god for allowing me to receive the fruit of just one of your gifts. I don't know how long you've been constructing this piece, but I declare it has definitely convicted, humbled, transformed, and renewed my commitment to god as a servant. Kevin, I've wished to be under your wings of experience as an apprentice/student and hopefully work alongside with you, but through this book, I discovered the heart of a man who is about the business of god, to empower, & serve the people of his kingdom. well done, servant well done!!
Thanks Kevin, I am committed to serve him!!

Monique Wrote:
"It's through tears that I write this. This book had me crying tears, of joy because it truly ministered to my spirit. It had me jumping and dancing for joy because it reaffirmed God's word for me, and the purpose He has placed in me. I have to thank you for your obedience to God in writing this book. I thank God that He blessed His people with a servant named Kevin Bond.

May God bless you richly!"